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Physical Therapy Following Surgery

Surgery, regardless of its nature, marks a significant intervention in the body’s natural state. While surgical procedures are designed to repair, correct, or alleviate specific medical issues, the process of healing and regaining full function often requires more than just the initial operation. Herein lies the crucial role of physical therapy (PT) in post-surgical recovery.

Restoring Range Of Motion

Following surgery, it’s common for patients to experience stiffness in the operated area, especially if it involves a joint. For instance, individuals who undergo knee or hip replacements might find their range of motion significantly compromised initially. Physical therapy employs specialized techniques and exercises that gradually and safely stretch and strengthen the affected areas. Over time, these exercises aid in improving flexibility, making it easier for patients to resume daily activities that might have seemed challenging right after surgery.

Strengthening Weak Muscles

Surgery often necessitates a period of rest and immobilization for the affected body part, leading to muscle atrophy. Weak muscles can contribute to poor function and can put patients at risk for further injuries. Physical therapists assess the degree of muscle weakness and then curate strength-building exercises tailored to the individual’s needs. This targeted approach ensures that the patient regains not just the lost muscle mass, but also the functional strength required for daily activities.

Reducing Pain And Swelling

Pain and swelling are natural post-surgery occurrences. Physical therapy offers a range of modalities like ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and manual therapy techniques that help manage and reduce pain. Additionally, specific exercises improve circulation, which in turn aids in reducing swelling and accelerating the healing process.

Preventing Scar Tissue Formation

Scar tissue, or adhesions, can develop as a natural part of the healing process post-surgery. However, excessive scar tissue can limit movement and cause pain. A therapist, like a physical therapist from an office like LeMoine Physical Therapy, can utilize techniques like massage and guided movement to break up scar tissue, ensuring that it doesn’t impede functionality or lead to discomfort.

Improving Balance And Coordination

Certain surgeries, particularly those involving the lower extremities or the neurological system, might affect a patient’s balance and coordination. Falls are a significant concern post-surgery, and PT can prove invaluable in this aspect. Therapists use balance exercises and training routines to enhance proprioception, the body’s ability to perceive its position in space, minimizing the risk of falls and potential re-injuries.

Accelerating Return To Activities

For many, the ultimate goal after surgery is to return to their regular activities, whether that’s a sport, hobby, or just daily routine. Physical therapy not only facilitates a quicker recovery but ensures that the return is safe and sustainable. By progressively increasing the intensity and complexity of exercises, therapists condition patients to resume their pre-surgery activities, minimizing the risk of setbacks.

Physical therapy plays an indispensable role in the post-surgical landscape. It bridges the gap between surgical intervention and the return to optimal function, ensuring that patients not only recover but thrive after their procedures. Through a combination of hands-on techniques, personalized exercise regimens, and patient education, physical therapy paves the way for a holistic and comprehensive recovery. For help after surgery, schedule an appointment with your local physical therapy office now.