Can Chiropractic Care treat TMJ?
The most common reasons for visiting a chiropractor are to treat back pain, neck pain, headaches, and more. Chiropractors are so good at it that it surprises many that they can get rid of other ailments as well. Temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ is one such ailment that chiropractic care can treat and reduce. Before we start on the treatment, it is important to know all about the ailment itself.
Defining TMJ
TMJ is the short version of the name: Temporomandibular joint disorder. The proper way to describe it is as a group of disorders. In the case of these disorders, there is a joining point in the middle of your jaw as well as the skull. When you are diagnosed with TMJ, the connecting point in the middle of your jaw and skull widens while you experience a rising pain.
Signs and Symptoms
The signs and symptoms of the disorder greatly vary from one person to the other. However, there are quite a few problems that patients commonly experience when diagnosed with TMJ. The most common symptom is the feeling of pain in your jaw. It is followed by difficulties in chewing, headache as well as neck pain.
There are a few examples of the patients feeling somewhat dizzy as well. If you experience any problems that are similar to these, then it is vital to visit your local chiropractor.
The Role Played By Chiropractors
The job of your chiropractor is to alleviate tension. It aims to eliminate the dysfunctions on your spine as well. When the chiropractor alleviates the spinal dysfunction, it helps to diminish the pressure you feel on different nerves. As a result of it, the pain people associate with TMJ starts to get alleviated.
There are quite a few patients suffering from TMJ who are in need of constant care. If they have someone to care for them continually, they will be able to keep the pain away. However, they should seek help from a chiropractor beforehand.
Now, if you have jaw pain, then chiropractors deal with it a bit differently. They keep their focus limited to just three muscles: the masseter, temporalis and pterygoid. Some chiropractors are likely to focus on the suboccipital muscles as well as the jaw joint. There are quite a few other soft tissue techniques which can be done at home by the patients themselves.
You can take the challenge of the soft tissue work on the pterygoid for yourself. However, you will still have to consult the chiropractor beforehand. In order to release the pterygoid, you need to strongly grip the cheek.
When they complete the soft tissues work for jaw pain, it can be adjusted. Afterward, an assessment is carried out for the jaw and another adjustment needs to be done. You also have the option of receiving TMJ treatment by using dry needling for a tight jaw.
To conclude, chiropractic care is a fine solution for TMJ patients. So, if you think you might have TMJ, just pay a visit to your chiropractor in Mesa, AZ to fixe your ailment!
Thanks to Lifecare Chiropractic for their insight into chiropractic care and TMJ treatment.